Five Questions with Graphic Designer Lisa Von De Linde

This week we would like you to meet Graphic Designer Lisa Von De Linde.
1. What was the inspiration behind becoming a graphic designer?
Before getting my B.A. degree as a graphic designer, I was always focused on the look of any printed piece. Writing a paper was always more about making it look good. I also spent a great deal of my youth at the local library – volunteering to shelve books – and was constantly reading all kinds of books and magazines. The path my career has taken makes so much sense when looking back at those aspects of my growing up years.
An internship plus the first 7 years of my career were spent working at an agency that specialized in design services for publishing house clients. Now I design books for self-publishing authors and have a wealth of resources to guide the publishing process from my 15 years in this industry.
2. What do you enjoy most about the creative process?
Discovering the best creative solution for whatever the “problem” may be…a book cover that sells, a brand identity that gives the right impression, strategic marketing materials. And, on the “I’m a design nerd” side…working out the process and systems that best fit the project I’m working on in order to keep it running as smoothly and efficiently as possible.
3. Can you take us through your process, and elaborate on how long it lasts?
I advise aspiring authors to expect about one year for the entire book publishing process, from concept development to written and edited manuscript, to fully designed book. And, with the ease of print-on-demand services for books, I always recommend that authors have a print version of their book with ebook formats as a likely add-on.
TIP: don’t rush the creative process. Concept development for high-end book cover designs doesn’t happen on demand. Remember, the goal is to craft the best solution so that your book cover is not judged negatively.
As far as the design process, it always starts with the front cover and conversations with the author to determine the direction for the cover art. Once there’s a final manuscript, the book interior phase begins and starts with a page design development process. After a page design sample is approved, the full interior typesetting is done. This results in the final page count which translates into the width of a book’s spine. Then, the full book cover (with back cover and spine) are designed. After the book interior is approved, the ebook conversion process can happen. Design services also include mockups and promotional pieces that an author can use in their book marketing materials and campaigns.
4. What is the biggest misconception about your line of work?
That anyone who knows how to use a computer can be a designer. Yes, there are self-taught designers who are very talented. Just like there are talented designers who went to school for their Bachelors degree (or even a Masters) to work in this field. In any case, there are principles of art and design that impact any creative work and without knowing those, the final product may be lacking.
5. What is your best piece of advice for fellow creators in your field about copyright and how to protect themselves?
Sharing what you do is important. In today’s social media-focused world, sharing photographs of work-in-progress, finished work, and even behind-the-scenes snapshots is necessary. Your audience ÛÓprospective clients and customers ÛÓneed to see what you do, get to know you, and develop trust with you before they decide to invest in your services or product. Include a copyright line in post captions, use watermarks where appropriate, and do what you can to educate your audience about copyright ownership and usage.
Lisa Von De Linde
Lisa is a graphic designer and owner of LisaVdesigns, the studio that partners with authors, organizations, and entrepreneurs who are making a difference. Those who are impacting lives in their community or around the globe. Her studio provides custom design services for all things book publishing & branding systems. She is particularly passionate about partnering her skills with those who have a vision for “difference maker” goals, whether that’s a non-profit, a Fair Trade company, a biz with an eco-friendly focus, those impacting their local economy, or those championing a specific cause through the service they provide or the product they create. Based in Ohio, she is always daydreaming about new travel destinations, whether the travel is a work trip as a location-independent business or a true vacation. She strives to provide the highest quality design services for purpose-driven businesses.
In recognition of the 2018 World IP Day theme established by WIPO – Powering Change: Women in Innovation and Creativity – we are honored to feature and support female creators during the month of April.
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