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34th International Publishers Congress

Guadalajara, Mexico

The International Publishers Association (IPA), in collaboration with the Association of American Publishers (AAP), the Mexican Publishers Association, and the Guadalajara International Book Fair, will host the International Publishers Congress in Guadalajara, Mexico. The […]


VLANY’s MediateArt: Mediation & Negotiation Training Program

Midtown, New York City

The Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts New York (VLANY) will host a MediateArt Training Program, encompassing “a two-day intensive workshop of basic mediation training for attorneys, artists, arts administrators, and […]

California Copyright Conference Holiday Party and Apollo Awards

Catalina Jazz Club, 6725 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, CA

The California Copyright Conference will host its annual holiday party and Apollo Awards ceremony at the Catalina Jazz Club. In addition to the party and Apollo Awards, a silent auction […]