HJC IP Subcommittee Hearing: ‘Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property: Part One—Interoperability of AI and Copyright Law’
Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2141, Washington, DC and via livestreamOn Wednesday, May 17 at 10 am ET, the House Judiciary Committee’s IP Subcommittee will hold a hearing titled Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property: Part I — Interoperability of AI and […]

IBPA PubU Online: Market Your Book Without Social Media
Zoom WebinarThe Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) is hosting its next Publishers University (PubU) Online session focused on teaching independent book publishers how to market their books without the use of […]

USCO Public Listening Session on AI and Audiovisual Works
Listening SessionsTheU.S. Copyright Office announced its new Artificial Intelligence (AI) Initiative, which includes hosting four virtual public listening sessions on Copyright and Artificial Intelligence (AI) with stakeholders from various creative industries. The […]

Concept Art Association Artists in Action Reception
Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2247, Washington, DCThe Concept Art Association is hosting a reception and a live painting and drawing demo by human artists from film, television, and gaming. As part of the Artists in Action exhibition, Karla […]