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2023 ABA-IPL Section Annual Meeting
Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington DCThe American Bar Association IP Law Section (ABA-IPL) will host its 2023 Annual Meeting (IPLSPRING), featuring more than 20 CLE sessions, networking events, business meetings, and more at the Omni […]

Fordham Law School’s 30th Annual IP Conference
Fordham University School of Law, 150 W. 62nd Street, New York CityOn April 13-14, Fordham Law School will hold its 30th Annual IP Conference. Additional information will be shared here as it becomes available. To register, please click here.

A2IM Webinar on YouTube Shorts for Music Creators
WebinarThe American Association of Independent Music (A2IM) and BuzzMyVideos are hosting a webinar focused on YouTube Shorts for music creators. During the event, experts will share “how to effectively use YouTube Shorts […]