VLANY Webinar on the Right of Publicity in New York


Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts New York (VLANY) will host a webinar to assist artists of all genres in understanding New York’s right of publicity laws, how they differ from copyright and trademark, and the legal boundaries for using real people in a work. The event will explore real-life case studies so that artists can […]

Authors Guild Webinar on Indie Versus Traditional Book Publishing


The Authors Guild will host a webinar on the pros and cons of traditional book publishing versus indie publishing. Author and Campaigns Manager at the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi) Matty Dalrymple will provide an overview of the merits and challenges of both routes. For additional information and to register to attend, please click here.

CCC Copyright 101 Webinar

This Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) webinar will focus on the basics of copyright law, including the intent of Section 107 of the Copyright Act on Fair Use; a discussion of best practices for the use of copyrighted content; an examination of the purpose of U.S. copyright law; potential acts of copyright infringement; copyright implications for […]

Deadline for Libera Awards Submissions


The Libera Awards—which are hosted annually by the American Association of Independent Music (A2IM) to honor independent musicians and the teams that support them—are accepting submissions through December 12. To learn more about submissions and related requirements, please click here. The awards categories can be viewed here.

BIPOC Podcaster Creators Virtual Networking Event

Virtual Event

BIPOC Podcast Creators is inviting creative allies, podcasters, and members to attend its end of year virtual networking event. The event will feature games, giveaways, and small group networking sessions where creators can meet and chat virtually with others in their communities. For additional information and to register to attend, please click here.

Early Bird Deadline for Copyright Society Midwinter Meeting


Early Bird registration is open for the Copyright Society’s Midwinter Meeting, which will be held from January 30 through February 1, in New Orleans, LA. The deadline to register and receive the discounted Early Bird rate is December 19. For additional information and to register to attend under the Early Bird rate, please click here.

USCO Deadline for Ringer Fellowship Applications


On August 30, the U.S. Copyright Office announced it is accepting applications for the Barbara A. Ringer Copyright Honors Program. The fellowship, which runs for eighteen to twenty-four months, “was created for attorneys in the initial stages of their careers who demonstrate exceptional ability and interest in copyright law.” The program is designed to enable […]

California Copyright Conference Webinar on Spotify and Songwriter


The California Copyright Conference will host a webinar titled Spotify, Why Do You Keep Hurting Songwriters? Discussion topics will cover key issues between songwriters and Spotify, including compensation, transparency, and the perceived devaluation of songwriters’ works. The event will be moderated by Charley Londoño, Counsel Plus and Of Counsel at the Peter Law Group. Panelists […]

VLANY Webinar on Forming an Arts-related Non-Profit


Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts New York (VLANY) will host a webinar on forming an arts-related non-profit organization. The event will cover what a non-profit is, how and why to form one, as well as the legal, ethical, and financial obligations associated with creating one. The webinar is geared toward artists, attorneys, arts professionals, and […]

Copyright Society Webinar on the Impact of Digital Replica Legislation


The Copyright Society will host a webinar to explore the ramifications of the advent and evolution of digital replica legislation on right of publicity law, copyright, and the entertainment and business software industries. For additional information and to register, please click here.

USPTO Cultural Creativity and Global Impact Webinar


The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will host a webinar titled Cultural Creativity, Global Impact to highlight the unique perspectives that Historically Black College and University (HBCU) students bring to the global stage regarding creativity. HBCU students and alumni will share their journeys as creators and entrepreneurs, obtaining financial resources, IP protection, and more. For […]

USPTO Anti-Piracy Symposiu

USPTO Office, 600 Dulany Street, Clara Barton Auditorium (South), Alexandria, VA and virtual

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will host a symposium to advance the dialogue on piracy issues affecting U.S. rights holders. Topics that will be covered include recent copyright case law, the latest tools and techniques for investigating and addressing copyright piracy, international copyright piracy updates, and more. Full details about the symposium can […]