For those who are looking for a job that focuses on copyright matters, we have listed below various employment opportunities within the copyright and creative industries at numerous organizations and entities. In addition, we also include a section regarding copyright industry opportunities, such as internships and fellowships, which are open solely to students.
Please send us any job vacancies (including internships) that you are aware of, which would like us to publicize on behalf of your organization so we can add them to the following lists:
Professional Opportunities
- U.S. Copyright Office is seeking an Attorney Advisor (General), a Supervisory Copyright Specialist and a General Counsel and Associate Register of Copyrights.
- SIIA is seeking an Associate Counsel.
- Association of American Publishers is seeking a Deputy General Counsel/Assistant General Counsel.
- A2IM is seeking CEO Candidates.
- Paramount Pictures is seeking a Vice President Copyright Royalty Administrator.
- MPA is seeking a Counsel, Content Protection and Legal (Intermediary Programs).
- Sony is seeking an Associate Director, Audit & Royalty Compliance and an SVP, Legal & Business Affairs.
- Dow Jones is seeking a Legal Counsel.
- The Art Institute of Chicago is seeking a Rights and Reproductions Specialist.
- Minx Law, PC is seeking a Trademark & Copyright Attorney.
- Me Gusta Music is seeking a Royalty Coordinator.
Student Opportunities
- The Copyright Office is seeking applications for its Ringer Fellowship.
- MPA is seeking applications for its Entertainment Law & Policy Fellowship and 2024-2025 MPA-EICOP Entertainment Law & Policy Fellowship.
- Warner Bros. Discovery is seeking applications for its Diversity in Entertainment Legal Fellowship: NYC- Summer 2025.
- RIAA is seeking applications for its General Undergrad and Legal Internships.
- AAP is seeking applications for Law Clerk positions on a rolling basis for the fall, spring, and summer semesters.
- Hudson Institute is seeking a Legal Internship, Forum for Intellectual Property.