Creator Spotlight with Ric Noyle

This week we would like you to meet Photographer and Founder of PhotoCon Hawaii, Ric Noyle.
1. What was the inspiration behind becoming a commercial photographer?
I grew up in Cape Town South Africa and was fascinated with working in a darkroom making prints. I did not own a camera nor did I crave to have one. I was just happy to get negatives from family and friends and make prints for them. When I was around 16, I was given a what I now think was a Kodak Brownie. My destiny to create images was sparked and, from then on, I never lost sight of what I wanted to become when I was older.
2. What do you enjoy most about the creative process?
Mental visualization of what my client is asking for is part of my creative drive. Listening well to what they want and need from me in order to understand a clien’s point of view is my fuel and inspiration.
3. Can you take us through your process? How long does it take?
Before my first meeting with a client, I do a deep dive and review all that I can to help me to understand what creative direction they may have. “Seek first to listen before being understood ” is a quote that I teach my children and practice as often as I can remember. Most projects vary in time from the start to completion. Several clients from Korea or Japan may require 30 days or more. My local clients usually require much less time; and those clients who I do a lot of work for typically require only a few days.
4. Does everything you produce make money?
No! While we all need the ula-moola, it is certainly not my driving force to be creative. I’m happy to say that I’d pay to work on many of the projects that I undertake because they are so exciting. Of course, I never tell clients that! I currently have my own personal pet-project. I have a full size golden elephant called Elepani TuOham that is 13 ft long and 9ft high and weighs in at 800 lbs. I have found great pleasure in taking her around Oahu for my personal projects. We have taken her to the jungle, into pineapple fields, in the Diamondhead tunnel and recently flew her below a helicopter, which was one of my very happy days.
5. Have you experienced copyright infringement and, if so, how has it affected you personally and financially?
I have been extremely fortunate not to have many reasons to litigate a copyright infringement. When I’ve had a problem, I’ve done all I could to resolve it in an amicable way. I also have Steve Spataro as my copyright attorney and, with his help, we have had several cases solved with a few letters, which only Steve knows how to word to achieve positive and quick results.
6. What do you do when you encounter someone stealing something you’ve invested your intellect, time and money into?
My first approach is to review all the details and keep a good record of what I find. Doing screen grabs online to capture enough detail is a really good way of keeping records, when possible. I have had good success in sending a polite letter and stating my claim regarding my image rights and including an invoice. On two occasions, we never heard from the “actor ” but received a check in the mail, with no words ever spoken. Nice!
PhotoCon Hawaii is Friday, Sept. 7th – Sunday, Sept. 9th, 2018.
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