Creator Spotlight with Composer/Guitarist Patrick Hayes

Photo Credit: L. James
This week we’d like to introduce composer and guitarist Patrick Hayes. You can follow him on Instagram @guitarboymusic1.
What is the inspiration behind becoming a creator?
I am composer Patrick Guitarboy Hayes and music is my life. Growing up I was a part of a musical dynasty. My mother Frankie introduced instruments to me and my brother Lance. Frankie is an exceptional bassist and phenomenal vocalist. At an early age, I learned how to play guitar skillfully and Lance played the drums. Being original and inventive is subliminal to me. I embark upon newness on a daily basis. Creating music allows my gift to be shared in a positive light with the world. My works of art convey messages of hope.
Can you take us through your creative process? How long does it take? Does everything you create or work on make money?
The recording process varies for everyone. My ideas are derived from experiences. As the strings eloquently play, words flow into my mind. I am super creative late at night, because it is peaceful. When the world is asleep, I am up creating magical tones. I am signed to Warner Brothers and yes, I am compensated for my work. I receive publishing checks earned from royalty payments.
What do you think is the biggest misconception about your line of work?
The biggest misconception about my line of work is the glitz and glamour of success. Success does not transpire overnight. You must work hard, be dedicated to your craft and stay loyal to yourself. I can create a masterpiece in minutes; but I expect to be compensated for my years of experience. Music has granted me doors of opportunity and limitless outlets. I have recently enjoyed making new music with country star Blanco Brown and legendary song writer Diane Warren.
When did you first become aware of copyright and why?
I first became fully aware of copyright laws when a famous artist stole publishing royalties derived from my work. I produced hit songs for him and he took everything earned from each record.
How has copyright infringement impacted you personally and financially?
Being a young composer, I was taken advantage of in the music industry. I was naively sucked into friendships and allowed the business aspect to be secondary. Financially, it affected me in a major way. Unbeknownst to me until conducting research, my work made millions of dollars and the royalties went to others. This lack of knowledge was an expensive price to pay. Music is a business, not a game.
What is the best piece of advice that you would give fellow creators about copyright and how to protect themselves and their works?
My strong advice to any creator is the following: Do not allow anyone to infringe on your property. All real winners do bounce back. Being in this type of industry requires tough skin and only the strong survive. Another imperative matter is having excellent legal representation, sound management, and access to information that will enable you to successfully protect your works. That’s why I register my music for copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office and why I am a member of the Copyright Alliance.
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