Copyright News Round Up

Week of November 3, 2017
Stay informed about all things Copyright with our weekly Copyright News Round Up.
Friday’s Endnotes – 11/03/17
Copyhype | I’ve decided to tell you guys a story about piracy — Maggie Stiefvater, author of The Raven King, shares her compelling personal experience about how piracy harms authors. As she observes, “pirating book one means that publishing cancels book two.”
A Copyright Themed Halloween
Copyright Alliance | Halloween is all about two things: what you wear and who you scare. Here at the Copyright Alliance, no celebration is complete without a little copyright, so to kick the festivities off, we bring you: A Copyright Themed Halloween
The Library of Congress Building Celebrates 120 Years
Copyright Alliance | “It was [Samuel] Johnson, by the way, who said that the most miserable of human beings was he or she who could not read on a rainy day.” That was The Times of Washington, DC, writing about the public opening of the reading room of the newly completed Congressional Library on November 1, 1897, 120 years ago today. The Times noted that heavy rains that day couldn’t keep an enthusiastic crowd from witnessing the building, seated across the street from the U.S Capitol, in person.
Piracy Set to Cost Streaming Players More Than $50 Billion, Study Says
Variety | The cost of piracy to Netflix, Amazon and their streaming peers will top $50 billion between 2016 and 2022, according to new research released Monday.
Zillow Appeals $4M Award In Copyright Row with Photo Co
Law360 | The Zillow Group on Thursday asked the Ninth Circuit to undo a $4 million award to real estate photography company VHT Inc. for copyright infringement., arguing that the jury should not have awarded damages on a per-photo basis because VHT registered the photos as one compilation.
Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author T.J. Stiles Makes the Case for Copyright
Mister Copyright | On October 12th and 13th, the Center for the Protection of Intellectual Property (CPIP) hosted its Fifth Annual Fall Conference at Antonin Scalia Law School in Arlington, Virginia. The event brought together scholars, industry professionals, and practicing attorneys to discuss recent developments in intellectual property law and to present meaningful policy reform proposals.
21 Mitos Digitales – A Call Against Resignation
Netopia | “Cherish the moment” I told myself. I mean, I’ve had my work translated before. I once wrote the manuscript for a video game that was released in fourteen languages (it failed fourteen times). But this time is different. I can’t hide behind or share the glory with a development team. They are all my words. So I told myself to cherish the moment!
What Does a Film Composer Do? A Conversation with Miriam Cutler
CreativeFuture | “I love the energy loop that’s created when you get people fired up,” Miriam Cutler says, explaining what drew her into a most unexpected professional journey. For over twenty years, Cutler has beaten the odds to make a successful career as a film composer in Hollywood. And she’s managed to do so working only on socially-relevant documentaries she believes in.
MPAA Chief Charles Rivkin on China: ‘Ours Is a Shared Future’
Variety | Making one of his first speeches as the new head of the Motion Picture Association of America, Charles Rivkin described a shared future between the U.S. and Chinese film industries.
It’s More “Trick” Than “Treat” for Flo and Eddie at The Supreme Court of Florida
Nova Southeastern University | On the eve of Halloween, October 26, 2017, to be precise, the Supreme Court of Florida handed down its advisory opinion in the case of Flo and Eddie Inc. v. Sirius XM. 1 In response to a certified question from the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals, it concluded that the State of Florida did not recognize performance rights in sound recordings made prior to February 15, 1972. For Flo and Eddie, this is more “trick” than “treat” because once again, $5 million dollars goes “poof” out of their hard won settlement with Sirius XM.