Rachel Kim is VP, Legal Policy & Copyright Counsel at the Copyright Alliance where she has advocated for and worked on education and outreach to the creative community on a variety of domestic and international copyright policy issues—including AI, CCB regulations, Copyright Office, modernization, regulations, registration practices, and other copyright and policy initiatives. To learn more about her career background and achievements, read Rachel's full bio. Below is a compilation of every blog Rachel has ever written for the Copyright Alliance.

August 2023 Roundup of Copyright News

In August, the courts were ablaze with issuing big decisions in several major copyright cases, including one on AI and copyright authorship. Here is a quick snapshot of the copyright-related […]

July 2023 Roundup of Copyright News

In July, there were several Congressional hearings on copyright law issues and a flurry of new AI class-action lawsuits. Here is a quick snapshot of the copyright-related activities that occurred […]

June 2023 Roundup of Copyright News

June 2023 marked the one-year anniversary of the small copyright claims tribunal, the Copyright Claims Board (CCB). Meanwhile, Congress kept busy on AI issues and a major class-action lawsuit on […]

May 2023 Roundup of Copyright News

In May, the U.S. Supreme Court finally issued its long-awaited decision in the Andy Warhol Foundation v. Goldsmith case, reining in the transformative use test under the first fair use […]