Creator Spotlight with Independent Artists Casper and Sadie Revenant
This week we’d like to introduce Casper and Sadie Revenant at RevenantFX in Canada. They specialize in “all things undead, from zombie gnomes to masks, makeup, and soon apparel.” Follow […]

Creator Spotlight with Photographer Cheryl Ritzel
This week we’d like to introduce you to photographer Cheryl Ritzel. You can follow her work on YouTube, Etsy, and Twitter @focusedcamera. What was the inspiration behind becoming a creator? […]

Copyright Alliance Launches IPDC Program
This week, as a part of our efforts to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in the copyright space, the Copyright Alliance launched a new program called the Initiative to Promote […]

Mexican Muralism—The Origins and Revolution of Street Art
Art integrates so naturally into our lives and surroundings that it can often go unappreciated or unnoticed. From the playlist at your local coffee shop to the chalk drawings on […]

Creator Spotlight with Multidisciplinary Artist Kendra Dandy
This week we’d like to introduce you to Multidisciplinary Artist Kendra Dandy. You can follow her on Instagram @theebouffants. Can you take us through your creative process? How long does […]

Creator Spotlight with Musician Ademir Monteiro
This week we’d like to introduce you to musician Ademir Monteiro. Follow Ademir on Instagram @ademirmakesmusic. Also, be sure to listen to his new album which comes out on September 9. What was […]

Creator Spotlight with Singer/Songwriters Mason & Julez
This week we’d like to introduce Mason & Julez. Their newest project is called GOING ON 21 and is currently available on Apple Music. You can also support them on Instagram, TikTok, Spotify, and YouTube. Additionally, […]

Kat Von D Tattoo Infringement Case Moves Toward Trial
There’s no question that tattoo designs themselves are protected by copyright law, but there’s significant confusion in the tattoo industry and among the public surrounding the appropriation of photographs and […]

One Month Snapshot: How the CCB is Working So Far
It’s only been a little over a month since the new small copyright claims tribunal, the Copyright Claims Board (CCB), started taking claims. Claimants have been keeping the CCB busy […]

Creator Spotlight with Artist Camilla Damsbo Brix
This week we’d like to introduce you to artist Camilla Damsbo Brix. To see Camilla’s work, visit her website and follow her on Instagram. What was your inspiration about becoming […]