Music sheet with several notes going across the page


Bulk Submission Option for Composers

Full Question: Is there a bulk submission option for composers who wish to register a large number of compositions?

Answer: If the compositions are unpublished, you may be able to register them as an unpublished collection, provided the eligibility requirements to submit multiple unpublished works with one application are satisfied. For further information on unpublished collections, see U.S. Copyright Office, Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices ยค 1106 (3d ed. 2017).

The Copyright Office recently has conducted several rulemakings regarding the group registration of certain works-such as unpublished works, unpublished and published photographs, newspapers, and contributions to periodicals. The Office has finalized regulations governing the group registration of photographs, newspapers, and contributions to periodicals. The Office anticipates that the final rule governing the group registration of unpublished works will be adopted in early 2018, which will replace the “unpublished collection” option mentioned above.

Several of the comments received in these proceedings encouraged the Office to create a group registration option for various types of works, including musical works. The Office will consider the creation of such group registration options in developing future upgrades to its electronic registration system.

Until such time that the Office adopts a group registration option for musical works, if your works are published, you would need to submit a separate application, deposit copy of the work and the applicable filing fee for each work.

Answered by:

Rob Kasunic, Director of Registration Policy and Practices at the U.S. Copyright Office.