Five Questions with Author Lorna Collins

This week we would like you to meet one of our Individual Creator Members, Author Lorna Collins!
1. What was the inspiration behind becoming an author?
I came to it by accident. I had done lots of technical writing during my career, but it wasn’t until we returned from our adventure living in Japan and building the Universal Studios Japan theme park that the idea of creating a book about it took root. After a couple of years–and with the collaboration of my husband, Larry K. Collins–31 Months in Japan: The Building of a Theme Park was born. We haven’t stopped writing since.
2. What do you enjoy most about the creative process? Can you take us through your process? How long does it take? Does everything you produce make money?
Being able to tell stories other people enjoy reading. When we are working on a historical novel, the process can take years because of the research required. (We refuse to “make stuff up.” Everything has to be based on reality.) Other genres require less time, but we still do lots of research, even with contemporary novels. On the books I write with my husband (Larry K. Collins), he creates a detailed timeline. Then I follow the characters, and I sometimes change his plan. Fortunately, he’s flexible! And, no, not everything I’ve written produces income. However, when a story begs to be told, I can’t seem to move beyond it until it’s finished.
3. Have you experienced copyright infringement and if so how has it affected you personally and financially?
Absolutely! I have to do “vanity searches” on all our books quite often to identify the scammers and thieves. They offer PDF copies free on their sites. I have reported them, and they sometimes take down the material. It’s a thankless process because when one site goes away, another pops up almost immediately. I have no idea how much money I have lost because of these criminals.
4. What is your best piece of advice that you would give other creators in your field about copyright and how to protect themselves?
Infringement WILL happen, so stay vigilant about checking on your books and report violations.
5. What is your biggest copyright-related challenge?
Since Larry and I currently have sixteen published books between us, making the Google checks is the most time-consuming. I find it extremely annoying that it is necessary to do this at all.
Lorna Collins
Read about our books: 31 Months in Japan: The Building of a Theme Park, Murder… They Wrote, Murder in Paradise, Lakeview Park, The McGregor Chronicles, Snowflake Secrets, Seasons of Love, The Art of Love, An Aspen Grove Christmas, …And a Silver Sixpence in Her Shoe, award-winning Directions of Love, Ghost Writer, Jewel of the Missions: San Juan Capistrano, and The Memory Keeper at
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